Martin Zlámal
5 essential tools to keep your JS apps sane and scalable
Keeping your JavaScript applications sane and scalable is very challenging and there are no silver-bullet tools for it. Well, actually… I am going to show you how I do it in and my other projects. Get ready for 5 carefully cherry-picked tools and libraries I consider to be the key players in this heroic task. All in combination with practical tricks, tips, and recommendations from our experiences.
Michal Sanger
Serverless backend services for JS developers
Everybody knows JS is for web apps. Not so many currently know JS is great for mobile apps due to React Native. And only a few know JS is a great language for backend where you don't even have to maintain a server. Do you want to build GraphQL backend, test your pull requests via headless Chrome and use all the cool JS libs and tools you already like? Pay almost zero for scalable and distributed backend service? Serverless has all of this and much more.