Meetup #21

Ivan Vuković

Add space after {

Have you ever received or sent pull request and most of code review comments was about code formatting and variable naming? This talk will introduce some code style linters and static code analysis tools for JavaScript to you. Also, we will take a look on some popular JavaScript style guides, and I will show some strategies on how to incorporate this to your workflow to improve your code quality and how that is done in ShoutEm. After this talk, you will focus yourself much more on code quality and real improvements over code formatting issues.

Meetup #20

Vladimir Adamić

Hugging a syntax tree

When reasoning about the content of our JavaScript files we usually think of them as a bunch of alphanumeric characters. Our tools to manipulate those files reflect this. What we usually forget is that each of those files has a life of its own and eventually becomes a programmatically inspectable syntax tree. What if we took advantage of this and used it to make smarter coding tools? I tried to examine this concept and created a small command line toolkit which tries to utilize it. I will explain how a syntax-aware diff could be created and exploit the syntax tree further to create a smarter merge tool as well.

Meetup #19

Matija Marohnić

Creating and Testing UIs with React (Part 1)

We’ll set up JavaScript compilation with Babel and Webpack, so we can split our app into separate modules (i.e. files). We will execute these tasks inside package.json, but it doesn’t really matter which one you use.

Once we get that working, we will build a very simple UI to demonstrate basic React concepts and best practices. You will learn what React is, by seeing how it works first-hand. We will not go into much theory, no comparisons with existing MV* frameworks. Just hands-on LIVE CODING! *gasp*

Dino Trojak

Creating and Testing UIs with React (Part 2)

After Matija is done with his app, we will explain how tests in React work and we will install all necessary things to run them. Tests will be done using Jest. Jest is an open source testing utility from Facebook. It makes unit testing React a lot easier. There wont be any theoretical stuff. Live examples only. We will also run our tests on Travis, so you’ll see how to add that shiny Travis badge to your repo.